Last weekend, i had a couple of social functions to go to. Ill spare you the details and mention one of them. A so called good friend of mine was getting engaged. the engagement although small since it was at his fiancees house , was pretty glamourous they managed to add alot of personal touches which made it pretty unique. from the music that was marvellously coordinated with the events of the evening , to the Four Seasons catering. it was pretty glam fab. the crowd was a typical gucci wannabe one. i caught the entire vibe of being in a chapter in Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho , where someone could've chopped my head off just cause im wearing a better tie. the only person worth talking to was Paul, a fellow Lawyer. i really love him, if he'd only deflate his ego. but i like the kid, pretty ambitious.
Then out of the blue popped the most preposterous of people proposing the most preposterous of ideas. Gibbons...allow me to enlighten you a little bit about Gibbons, he has an IQ comparable to that of an aardvark. he looks like a baboon...hence the picture but hes really stylish and all about the bling bling. he has a customised golden Dupont lighter that has cufflinks to match, smokes like he's got sunburnt lips, and constantly stares at you with this condescending squint that makes him look less of a baboon and more like a surprised mole. Anyways enough what Gibbons looks like and a little more on that ridiculous idea of his.
"Kane, we want you to challenge this guy that thinks he is all that, if he loses ...we get his car"
You see that sounds like a line vin diesel would say to that stupid walker guy that girls think is cute and to die for. I mean when you read that what did you think the challenge was about? Racing right?...Well guess again, it was about General Knowledge...can you beleive that? general knowledge? i mean these people are all about the bling bling...constantly flaunting their posessions and taunting others as to how they have stuff you'd only dream of having, their idea of a challenge is that one of them who actually has a C55 Merc.. (i never knew there was a C55 until i was in the passenger seat of one) goes up against the new dude with the Ferarri 360 Modena and show him who is boss on the sokhna highway! but flaunting how they know someone who knows more than what some other guy knows is quite preposterous if you ask me.
people like these, just love novelty. In its absence, they attempt the ridiculous and present it as novel...simply for the sake of them appearing novel and never repetitive. simply put they are trying to satisfy the basic human condition of attaining what they dont have...They have everything. the only thing they dont have, is happiness...how do you give them the only thing they dont have?...through novelty, disguise yourself as something new and fresh..and they will pursue you, for to them...you are happiness, the only thing they dont have.