should feel good about herself, experience her self worth. Smelling nice is definetly a part of that.
Scents and Fragrances aside, its natural to villify the culprit ( in this case the Ditching Dork), it brings a sense of closure. Victimization always helps and is natural in the healing process against Trauma, but why do girls still hang on? why do they have this glimmer of hope that things -if we try hard enough- will be just like they were?
Girl get over it, HE DITCHED you...ignore the phone, he wont send a message to try to win you back.
But Kane, he didnt give me a good enough reason why we cant be together...
Even better a reason for you to understand that he really doesnt want you....so why are you chasing after him? why are you waiting for that call that he will never make? why are you thinking about him all the time? why are you thinking of him at the times you should be thinking of someone else...face it, you are out on a date with this dream guy your best friend has been dying to fix you up with for ages, you reluctantly go for it beleiving you should move on. The guy is keen and most certainly interested, you can tell he is putting in alot of effort. When you size him up hes a keeper, Smart, Successful , Neat, Composed, Nice Watch, Nicer Shoes, cool smile, ambitious, makes a few jokes here and there...but everything he does, no matter how original, no matter how nice , no matter how flattering just leads you to the exact same thought...
"Old Guy would have done it better"
Why do you do that? why do you think that? why does he have dibs on you when it comes to relationships, hes ditched you hence a) he doesnt deserve to have dibs, and most importantly b) he obviously doesnt care...if he cared he wouldn't have ditched you in the first place. Why do you leave everything you are doing, and give him your complete and undivided attention the moment he makes contact? even if you are at a Party and supposed to have the time of your life...theres this hunk whos into you...and has been dying to wait for the perfect oppertunity for you to be available...the time is now...and hes much better than the old guy...you are supposed to be having the time of your life with someone who really cares, and is obviously into you..then old guy sends a message...
your thoughts just shift into another dominion..
the memories fly back, you are drowned in all the good times you had...and how great it felt...and how sweet and considerate it is of him to send you something...do you think he wants me back ?
erm excuse me...what about that great guy right there sitting on the table, waiting for you...hes been dreaming of you for quite a while...has the thought ever occurred to you that maybe with him you can start something so good that could actually make you forget old guy and merely chuckle at his mention?
Old guy is long gone, face it he ditched you...he must have had a good reason, if he doesnt...then that in itself is good enough a reason..i mean, he ditched you now for no good a reason, what would stop him from ditching you later on?
New guy is here to stay, he thought of you even when you were occupied, he waited for the right moment to step in, when you were available once more...not only did he respect the disrespectful old guy by not moving in on him but he also respected your decision to stay with the jerk...even though it was a wrond decision and he totally disagreed with it...yet here you are in the corner of the club...holding your phone wondering what to text back to Old guy...whos definetly just bored...and having some fun at your expense..and you know it!!! yet you come up with excuses for a guy who is not even coming up with excuses for himself..look back at the table...there is a guy...who is waiting to give you all you ever wanted, and probably all what the old guy didnt give you..
Bottom line
Dont text back, close the phone get back to your table and start small talk with the guy that maybe might be the face you wake up to for a good ten years...
This Post is Dedicated to three girls i know well..they've all been ditched recently ...they
know my faith in them to overcome their old guys is well placed. ;)