There it goes, buzzing around, minding its own business, going about its daily business with not a worry in the world. Merely a little pest, that can rest assured it will be at no risk unless it meddles with someone else's affairs.
Ti's a wise pest that little fly..for it cant be fooled.
Or so it thinks.
The fly's father told it of all the hazards life might pose to a fly, all the perils it might throw its way.
Do not be fooled by the allure of the Venus Fly Trap, for it can be deadly.
Always stay light on your feet, don't get too comfortable in one place, for its inevitable that you will have to go somewhere else. don't trust the ground under your feet. The only thing you can trust, are your wings. train them.
The only place you can feel comfort and security, is in the air where you report to no one, where your only enemy is gravity, and you were created to beat it , For God gave you wings.
Beware the Hazards of Bugspray...all it takes is one breath
The Fly took these lessons to heart, promised itself it will never be seduced by stability, for stability is nothing but the beginning of the fall.
*Buzz Buzz*
Probably if flies could whistle, our little fly would be right now. un-suspicious of anything in the world, in total confidence of its capabilities and judgement.
A little too cocky ain't we?
Across the room, in the highest corner...laid a Web, intricately built, with patience and perseverance.
Attention to detail and infinite symmetry would be putting it lightly.
Along came a Spider, crawling effortlessly on what to many would be the tightrope above the waterfall.
No sticks for balance,
No arms for equilibrium,
Just an eight legged freak, cruising on the almost invisible.
I never knew these things were so durable, its very rare maybe even unique to find biological tissue that is actually non-biodegradable. I heard they make bulletproof vests out of spiderwebs,
You may crush the Web, you may remove it from its place, yet you can never cut a strand...not even with scissors, I tried...
*Buzz Buzz*
Our vain little fly was consumed with smelling its armpits ( in this case wingpits) that it didn't notice it was head on with a Spiderweb ( so much for compound eyes)
You had to see it, in slow motion, from the side...just like those crash tests with the dummies.
You can watch the fly almost jetting through it like a bullet, but in the last second before it is free, just when the fly is pushing the Web to the limit of its flexibility...you see the whole web stretching with it.
And finally pulling back........
that's how the fly felt......
that's what the Spider thought....
Who put this Web here? why would a silly spider put a web my way...can't it realize i have somewhere to go? Damn these spiders...always messing with our schedules? I'll give that spider a piece of my mind when i see him..who the Hell does he think he is!!!?
The Fly trying to writhe out of the situation, only to realize the more it writhes, twist and squirms, the deeper it entrenches itself into the bulletproof fabric...This is where our arachnid makes his initial appearance...
As it approaches the fly, it becomes more composed, more certain of its role...
The fly, can smell the Arachnid approaching,
So sweet..so different..
What you are actually smelling o little winged one is the familiarity of your fate..
You mean this is my end? does it all end here? Please dont let this be the end? i swear ill do anything.. ill come back every night but please let me go about my day...dont take my freedom away..i want to fly as i please..do what i please, ill be yours but ill do what i please..
It recalls Papafly's with every effort, and is befallen by an unescapable fear of dissapointment, and shame..how dare I fall utters the fly...I am so much better? I am doomed..this spider will keep me in his webs..and only he can release me...when it does..it will be lunchtime for him...and endtime for me..
How i wish i would have done more...
How i wish i wouldn't have waited, thinking i have all the time in the world...
How i wish i wasnt so vain...
How i wish i would've watched where i was going..
Fine..go ahead...take me...
I wont take you, not unless you want to be taken...all i do is set the trap, you fall in it..if you didnt, then i dont want you, this is my way of selection..that is how i select my prey..you passed the test, or you failed depending on which way you want to look at it.
Accept your fate,
It is what is meant to be..
As it is meant to be that you be taken wether you like it or not, It is meant to be that i take..wether i like it or not..
Isnt it possible that i might like being taken than doing the taking myself..
Its my nature,
I can't fight it...
Don't fight yours..
It's futile...
You wont win...
I wont win...
Fate wins..
in the meantime, welcome to my World, a world where everything hangs on a thread..yet stuck together by an intricate web...The Web is strong, but you can hardly see it, or feel its effect. Follow the lines and you will go wherever you want, whenever you want..the road has been already paved for you.
All is controlled...
My control..
Dont you find it appealing?
Dont you find it comforting?
Calm down...its not chaotic as you think, in fact it is not chaotic at all.
Its an Ante-World..a Purgatory..without the judgment, without the Punishment.
its seemingly chaotic, but actually theres an order to it.
Its the fear in you that brings about the chaos..
the fear of change..
the fear of losing control
The fear blinds you...it convinces you that it is chaotic, thats how it is seen from the outside, it makes it seem unappealing to others.., hence they flee...for they are superficial, and judge by exteriors..
you need not be afraid, look at the bliss others miss..
Do not fear losing control..
You need not be in control..leave that burden to me and enjoy..
I am in control
Trust me...
How do you like it?