" Excuse me, I don't recall seeing your name on the invited list..."
"That's because my name is not on the list... I'm Dr. Diana Jones..."
"Would you be related to The Dr. Jones?"
"No, none relation whatsoever, and believe me...if someone in our family went around in a Hat and Whip, they'd be disavowed instantly..even if they did find the Lost Ark..."
That's the attitude you get when you mess with Dr. Diana Jones. She's not a Doctor yet, but with her experience she can out-doctor any PhD holder you know. Her feisty attitude is quite apparent. One would imagine with her size, she'd be a little more reserved, but she can take on any beast, at any time.
The French cultural attache, being the pompous person she is, even for a french, just decided to ignore the intruder and let her go about her day. She was embarrassed by a renowned group of Archaeologists who told her, any archaeological social function would not be complete without Dr. Jones being on the list.
Shes been on a lot of excavations for someone her age, and did work on quite interesting digs too. But if you want her resume you can ask her for it.
Diana is someone I have known for quite a while now. Despite both our busy schedules, we fall in and out of touch, but always pick up where we left off. Its always either discussing the Stargate conspiracy, something she thinks is out of a movie, but i always come up with considerable evidence that it just might be a little more than something out of a movie. Sometimes we just discuss issues she has in her profession, problems with pompous peers..She gives me the impression that everyone in the profession is pompous, from the French Cultural Attache (who isn't exactly a member of the profession) to a fellow graduate in her class who always ends up working on the same work she does work on.
She has a banged up 4x4 (would have said SUV to be trendy, but it doesn't have any utilities in it) that's constantly parked. As long as I have known her, I've been promised a ride..that ride is yet to happen.
Diana's appeal lies in her true understanding of what a friend is and should be. She never ceases to surprise me in how good a friend she can be. Shes also quite engaging in conversation, which is both pleasant and enlightening. She has a knack for comebacks too, for every time we meet, I end up quoting her on a statement she said, and with her consent I post it on my facebook profile, yes that's how good they are.
She's out in the middle of the desert now as we speak, no music, no TV , no Internet...just a tent and sticky desert flies like she o
nce told me...I don't know when is she going to read this...but I'll just sing along with Bubblegum Pop band "Aqua" and say

Dr. Jones,
Calling Dr. Jones,
Dr. Jones,
Dr. Jones ,
Wake up now!