Thank you, all of you. Now i will have to agree with my Dad everytime he says that they dont make men like they used to. Every place i walk into, every couple i meet (apart from a few unnotable exceptions) i dont see a man and a woman, i see a woman holding a Kleenex in her hand . I see a Lioness and a mouse, doing all he can desperately do in order to prevent his eventual devourment from a predator who is playing with her food.
"Why? why does it have to be this way?"
I'd like to meet one man, just one...ragel sa7eb sa7bo like we say in our nice little country that would stand up to his woman. look i know it is all about sacrifice and compromise but this is downright ridiculous. I mean i aint exactly a Genius but isnt it down right clear to you ya bob innak Kees? Kees belastic metkarmesh ? is it the sex? has she turned you into a slave because of the carnal pleasures she provides? i mean i have seen men turn into mice after they get married, even beofre that when stuff is only a silly relationship that shouldnt mean anything life changingly serious, men who have career changes in order to suit their loveyy coocha's perception of what they could be? is finding the right one soo hard that you are willing to turn into jerry's grey little cousin just to keep her? is it alot better to have someone and become a slave than to have nobody at all?......despicable if it has to be this way. no seriously....
I know by now you think ive got it all wrong, but just listen, the next time you walk into a cafe or a mall or a movie theatre or just look into the car next to you while you are stuck on the 6th of October bridge...you will see what i mean.
I know what you have to say, Love is all about sacrifice and compromise and all that altruisitc bullshit Women come up with. But beleive me , it doesnt have to be this way. I want to ask you something, im sure most of us have seen Desperado, that last scene when Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek run off into the sunset, they're in Looove baby, but do you picture them 2 years down the line sittin in some bar sippin on their tequilas that he is going to be the wuss i see every 15 minutes or is Salma going to still be thanking God almighty every damn minute that she is with this heck of a Guy?
I wanna see 35 million versions of Antonio Banderas in this country, and i want to see 35 million versions of salma hayek hugging onto the tailcoats of those men...cause they are real men.
If turning into a wuss is the price i have to pay for falling in Love....Then you heard it here first Amigo....
Fuck Love.......i'd rather be a Man with no Woman than a Mouse with a Lioness.
I totally agree with that. I've seen it around the city so often that it's becoming the norm. Of course, there's the other side of emotionally abusive men who aren't confident enough to trust their women and therefore turn into assholes just for the hell of it. I think it's appropriate to find a balance. Maybe you'll be able to find one some day.
Hahaha. Actually I do enjoy watching those couples from time to time just to have a laugh about it. But deep inside of me I feel sorry for those guys, many of whom are my friends and your friends too and it is sad because the 'MAN PACT' bond should force you to try and help them. The thing is, you dont have to advise people like them, because they are happy the way they are and whatever you say will never be heard.
I believe that after they have a bad experience they could learn from it. But still, I also believe that you are either born a man or not a man, whatever the term is you guys want to use. I do not mean a man who has muscles and fights and put oil on his body while sitting on the beach. But in a relationship with a girl, you are either a man from day 1 or you are not. Simple.
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