Smoke and Tinkle Music,
the perfect setting, for 6 little dolls to do their Dance, a little sequence to entertain their Dollman...their Lord,
So Jolly,
so Dolly,
Just like the dolls in Tinder Boxes, they rise, just like the dolls in Tinder Boxes they bow,
they shake back and forth like little flowers bending to a soft gentle breeze...
the music giving their motion a very graceful backdrop...
their movements altering the music, their teethy smiles shining the room....
reminding me of what a happy trip on LSD would be like
their pigtails bouncing behind them,
Damn man, he is one lucky lord....
how can i get a half dozen of those?
And he thought we couldn't figure out his next move now, didnt he?
This young aspiring entrepreneur (image altered) was seen courting 5 Eastern Europeans all on his own at the formerly chic but now strictly dodgy place known as a downtown nile overlooking Hotel. recent news about the young man, after a stint in the desert to sort his ideas out, this man has shifted careers to investing in Gold...not that hideously bad an idea, given his prior endavors involved Iron Men and Tony Starks.
Casey, we still love you
Former Governor Released from Jail after serving 7 year Scentence:
Former Governor of Giza Maher el Khamissi was released Saturday from el Mazraa prision. Khamissi was released after serving 7 years of his 15 year prision scentence. Khamissi pleaded Guilty to bribery charges in 2001 after tape recordings known to the media as the "Wadi Hof" tapes that were anonymously submitted to the Attorney General's Office. the tapes included a 90 minute conversation between el Khamissi and a unidentified woman only referred to as "Lola" discussing the particulars of delivering 18.5 million dollars to swiss bank accounts, and certain profits to be made from the development of a landfill in Wadi Hof into a condominum project.
El Khamissi made a brief statement infront of el Mazraa prison upon his release saying:
" I have served my punishment and return to you as a rehabilitated man, I am certain that my return to society will be a smooth one, and i have faith in God that i will be able to continue my endeavor to give back to the community."
When asked, el Khamissi did not reveal the identity of "Lola" claiming that Egyptian law only penalizes the public official taking the bribe and was not under legal duty to reveal her identity. Since his incarceration, the property at Wadi Hof has still not been developed, and remains as a landfill. "Lola" was never found, however the authorities have sufficient reason to beleive she has fled the country and a composite sketch of her , is still at Airport security along with all her known aliases have been logged into the Airport Incoming Watch List.
El Khamissi also added that he has no plans for running for public office once more, and choses to retire to his family.
Star Defender Fired by New Club Boss: Essawi is too fat, and has an obsession with Papa Johns:
rumors leaked to fans of the National Sporting Club F.C were later confirmed by Football Coach Henry Kleats that the new club boss in last weeks board meeting has dismissed Haytham el Essawi from playing on the clubs team. The rumors began to become "worrisome" after Essawi failed to attend last nights training. Kleats who attended the meeting quotes club boss Hanasiro saying:
" Essawi is turning into one fat fuck, the guy has man titties now!, whenever i attend the trainings all i see is a fat man in our number 3 Jersey eating a pizza, last time i saw him yelling to one of the waiters demanding a bottle of Heinz Ketchup and throwing what seems to be another brand of Ketchup in objection...i cant eat without my Heinz he says..."
Haytham el Essawi who has served as a defender was always been an integral part of the team for the past 5 seasons, and was inducted into the hall of fame after his stellar performance in the Clubs games in 2005's annual championship. El Essawi has recently been gaining considerable media attention as a result of his weight gain allegedly bought about from excessive overeating and his recent marriage to famed belly dancer "Samya Mawaheb" , the couple were also scrutinized in many tabloids late last year when they were photographed kissing passionately in the corner of a local bar in Agouza during a live performance of famous rock band "Egoz".
Mischa Carter attends annual Feteer eating contest in Ard el Lewa:
Egyptian Movie Star Mischa Carter attends the annual Feteer eating contest held by an orphanage in the random housing project of Ard el Lewa. When Asked, Mischa said "Eating is one of the most important acts committed by humanity, and we must teach children that eating is a good thing, indeed the media in recent years has portrayed beauty in a size 2, which leads to people depriving themselves from a beautiful thing such as eating". Despite being a Size 2 herself, Mischa admits to eating too much for her own good, claiming her motto in life to be " I eat, therefore I am". Mischa is rumored to be associated with acclaimed TV producer Moby D'eaucclit Chaupper's new untitled project set for release in 2011.
"I am in love with the script and have shown a keen interest..I even met with Michael last Saturday!"
PR Mogul simply known as "Michael" is also rumored to be pitching in with the project that is set to revolutionize the way we see TV. the two met at a Cafe in Mohandiseen regularly frequented by Michael to discuss the prospects of Mischa's involvement in Chaupper's Project.
Michael and Moby D'eaucclit Chaupper are close friends since 2006, they were introduced by Chaupper's wife Lana Deets.
Italian "Immobiliare" to fund Next 5 lines of Greater Cairo Subway:
The Undersecretary of Finance & Planning at the Ministry of Transport Mr.Adolf Kane in a press conference has stated that the Ministry has "Secured a commitment from the Italian conglomerate to finance the next 5 lines of the Cairo Subway system" which would bring the total number of lines running under Cairo to a whopping 8 lines. the expected extensions are supposed to span the entire capital with its expansions to conclusively link the 6th of October city and Sheikh Zayed Districts to the Fifth District in New Cairo & el Sherouk City. Mr. Kane also stated that "Immobiliare have committed 16 Billion Dollars for the project", prospects of further expansion were disucssed in the presence of Engineer Hesham Taqui Mandarin Managing Director of Taqui Madarin Group to extend the Sherouk and New Cairo lines to reach the Groups mega development project "Metropolis" situated in the eastern outskirts of Cairo.
The Memorandum of Understanding was signed between His Excellency the Minister of Transport, and Immobiliare CEO B.J. Harrison.
Kingpin Weds Grand Mufti's Daughter: Crime and Religion in Holy Union
Amidst the cheers of supporters and Religious chants, Damien King, alleged underworld Kingpin celebrated his legal union to the Grand Mufti's Daughter in Mashyakhet el Azhar this Afternoon. Spectators could both hear and see Jubilation in the air in the form of cheers and confetti which brings an end to the controversy regarding the alleged Kingpin's social behaviour.
His choice in a pious bride such as the Grand Mufti's Daughter is one met with both concern and resentment by most conservatives due to King's criminal association. King's notoriety was bought to the media after his trial and acquittal in the controversial shooting of Daughter of suspected Arms Dealer Abdel Salam Fayek in early 1999.
"This wedding is backed by political motivations by Mr.King to appear as an upstanding citizen in Egyptian Society, we find it offensive that religion be used for politcal gain and public acceptance" commented Islam el Tayeb assistant dean of el Azhar University for Shaira Affairs.
King's proponents declined to comment stating that such allegations should not even be dignified with an answer, however King's neighbour Simeon Parais was available for comment.
"Damien is a very lucky man, for it looks like he has found love."
Details for the wedding have not yet been disclosed, nor travel plans for the Honeymoon, however given Mr.King's general extravagance and his affection toward Las Vegas, social columnists have speculated with confidence that the now wed couple would most certainly be visiting the city.
Sophie Monet to reveal latest collection of Works in Townhouse Gallery:
Eccentric contemporary artist and influential socialite Sophie Monet has announced the display of her works at the Townhouse Gallery next week under the theme of "Diamonds & Dogs" . Bacca Royd the Townhouse Curator has commented saying that he is "very impressed with Monet's new collection, which still proves that Monet has alot to offer to the artistic community". Monet has received tremendous controversy after designing set pieces for the 2004 summer block buster " I am the Man" starring Menna Chawki and then rising star Adham Fares followed by the keen interest displayed by Senate member and minority party leader Jimmy Bonspiero who purchased one of her pieces at an auction for a whopping 650,000 LE, the piece was a clay sculpture of a naked lady chewing on what seems to be a grooms hand.
3 youngsters found shot dead on Arab League Boulevard: Police ward off suspicions of gang violence:
An idling car was found on the North side of Arab League Boulevard early this morning by a parking attendant receiving his shift. The Silver Daewoo Lanos contained the bodies of 2 youngsters in both front seats. The youngsters apparently died of multiple gunshot wounds. Police investigators rushed to the scene and after examination have managed to pick up 71 empty shell casings off the floor and around the car. the casings seem to be of high caliber suggesting the use of an automatic sub machine gun. A third body was discovered in the trunk of the car, wrapped in an Iranian silk rug, cause of death is still to be determined after performing the state appointed autopsy in the coroner's office. A half consumed cherry flavored "Chupa Chups" lollipop was also found at the scene.
Police officers at the Scene have declined to give official comment claiming that such comment would impede ongoing investigators and assured all business and residents of the Boulevard that the perpetrators will be bought to justice and that the locals need not fear for their safety.
A high ranking police official who wishes to remain anonymous has assured us that this incident is in no way gang related in an attempt to ward off suspicions that the area will once again be plagued by gang violence.
The Arab League Boulevard has historically been plagued in the past decade with ongoing gang violence between two rival gangs fighting for control over the South side of the Boulevard. However after continous Government crackdowns in recent years has led to the gradual dissapearance of such violence. The last reported incident was in August 2003 when random fire was sprayed over a local fast food restaurant after on a Thursday night where 7 people were killed and 12 were injured.
" Never think you are smart enough to figure out what is going on on the other side of the World, for you lack the awareness...Never Think you have the Foresight to figure out what is going to happen tomorrow or even lack the ability to grasp all the possible variables that may take place between now and then....Don't fool yourself into knowing whats happening on the other side of town.... for its not your neighborhood...You'd be kidding yourself to believe you know the events and thoughts being cooked up in the other room..for you can never know what goes on behind closed doors...You can never tell what exactly is being said on the table to your right...for you lack respect of other people's privacy....And most importantly...Do not commit the unforgivable mistake of believing you can know, what goes on inside the mind of the person right in front of you..for you lack the ability to determine, which of the first five mistakes he is currently committing..."Osiris Kane, Signing off