He looked alot like Stuart Townsend, but a far more exhausted version. He sat in the corner of the room. The room was padded with worn out greenish brown wallpaper that even looked too tacky the decade it was rolled on. It was tattered and torn to form a makeshift collage between it and the wall it is supposed to blanket.
The faucet in the bathroom was dripping. So was the drool in the corner of his mouth.
He just sat there, in an upright fetal position chin resting on his knees, and his arms hugging his calves..
With his cold blatant stare glaring outside the window...the chaotic view of the street from the fourth floor wasnt all that flattering. he didnt budge an inch when the tram passed by the cheap hotel. You would think he was catatonic. but something about his eyes tells u he has no problem moving and this state is merely induced by choice. The look of Despair on his face was unmatched.
The black telephone set on the bedside table rang. its headset shook from the vibration induced by the ringing bell. it just kept ringing, he didnt budge.
Ten minutes later, someone is knocking on the door persistently.
A muffled voice came from behind the wooden door.
"Mr. Riddick are you okay?"
"Mr. Riddick please open the door"
Finally, he budges..he lets out an booming growl, and leaps from his crouching position to the emergency stairwell right out of the window, and slowly descends to the street. A few minutes of walking mechanically down the street , menacing at every onlooker. He walks into a club entrance called "Cesspool 8" , the bouncer with a deep commanding town asks him for a reservation. He just stares at him expecting the bouncer to understand he doesnt have one.
The Bouncer examines Riddick one more time to see if he can let him in, the guy looks like he could use some fun...is he a threat to the crowd? hmm... well only if provoked....the bouncer thought, but he stinks, smells like he hasnt showered in weeks. The shirt is drabby, sneakers...sorry dude, wish i could help...managements orders.
"Sorry sir, you cant come in without a reservation"
"I could really use a drink...."
The bouncer sympathizes with him,
"Theres a bar a few blocks down, ask for Sid...tell him Hank sent you."
Riddick heads towards the general direction of the Bar. he passes by the alley behind Cesspool 8. he sees something ruffling in the darkness. As he approaches he can smell the scent of two people in heat. They barely notice him, they are too preoccupied with what they were doing. With the girl cornered up on the wall by the man, Kissing wildly, she couldnt have the chance to warn the man with what peril was looming behind him.
In less than a second, the mans hand that was leaning on a wooden plank for support is struck dead in its center with a blade, you can hear the blade finally striking the wood after it penetrated the entire depth of his hand.
He screams in Pain. The Pain makes him buckle to the floor. The Girl is paralyzed in fear.
a raspy male voice sings in his head "Ohh Mary...Mary, it doesnt show but i can tell that you're so scared!"
He stares at the Girl...tries to comfort her..
"His name!"
"Howie, Howie Meyers"
The man on the floor is pleading for someone to get the knife out of his hand. Riddick twists it. the man passes out from the pain.
" Give me your ID",
she complies..."Now i know where you live...you say anything, i will come for you..now go home.."
He takes Howie's clothes, and knocks on the alleyway entrance..
the peephole slides back...he sees a set of black eyes.
"Howie Meyers" he days
The Slide goes back to its original position. a few seconds later, metal clanking and the door opens. he walks in and is hospitably gestured to come in and enjoy his stay by the owner of the black eyes. The Club is Eerily inviting, with its black marble floors, and green luminecent tubes turn every crack into something out of a science fiction movie, the lighting although quite neopunkish is far from distracting. theres a rail..as he approaches he can tell he will like what he sees. He walks closer to the rail..the music raging in his ears, thumping at his heart..moving all his internal organs,
"He can see the people!"
"Enter the melody"...
Riddick's state far surpasses Euphoria, with his new clothes and new identity, hes transformed himself into another man. He owns, the Dancefloor, the people on it, The DJ...everyone. The Music has given him that power, for he who enjoys the music the most, and allows it to touch his soul is the most powerful of all of them. He modeslty approaches the bar to congregate with his slaves. a pretty one notices him and his loud velvety red shirt and italian seam black trousers.
Back in the Hotel room, everything is Dark, not how he left it at all. He left all the lights open and the TV on, now its pitch black. the bed is made, the faucet isnt dripping anymore, it actually smells fresh. The Door is swung open violently to the extent it nearly rips off of its hinges. A man carrying a woman perched up on his chest fumble around the neighbouring walls, chuckling..and she is squealing mid chuckles. They land on the bed. As he begins to undress her, she turns on the lamp.
He Stops.
Runs to the corner and sits just like how we first met him.
She goes to sit next to him, ruffles his hair and asks him what is wrong.
"Shes gone..." he said..
"Cheryl who..?"
he looks at her all wide eyed and angry... and yells "You' arent Cheryl!"
"Man you got issues, i am outta here.."
As she rises up to leave, he slits her heels with his blade, first they rip through her mesh stockings, then the skin.....then the artery, hes messy...he ended up with blood specks on his nose.
"You Freak!" She shrieked while she tried to grab onto anything for dear life.
He observed what he carved up out of her after he was finished. like a craftsman finally assessing his handiwork, like an artist admiring his finally finished portrait. he felt power, followed by doubt,
He remembered why he does that.
He misses Cheryl.
Cheryl used to light up his life, the source of his livelihood , she'd make the world beautiful. her power to solve any of his problems with a mere smile. She was everything to him, baby, girl, woman, teacher, even mother sometimes. he realized he had never lived before he met her.
What surprised him is, the first time he whispered i love you into someones ear was in a girl called Cheryl...not her , but another Cheryl, when he was a young boy.
The first time he had a car accident , was with a girl named Cheryl as well.
His most recent Car accident , was with Cheryl.
Only he survived.
fifteen minutes later, his reminicing session was interrupted by violent knocking on the door.
"Mr. Meyers, we heard screaming is everyone in there okay?"
"Mr. Meyers, please open the door".

- Thanks to Marilyn Manson for the lyric and the general feel of the post, And thanks to the real Cheryl, who should know she has the power to do that-
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