The long awaited part three of the trilogy...[ See wanna be a superstar and live large five cars...]
Okay its not exactly the long awaited climax of a cool story, they are all just similarly themed:
Damien King awoke sweating profusely at around 3am...normally he would be wide awake, but he is trying to live healthy as instructed by his forboding doctor who told him Heart Disease might be coming around the corner. King being the Egomaniac he is, wouldnt allow such a feeble and unseen enemy bring him down.
It was a dream about to turn into a nightmare, but you had the privilege of being within the dream and knowing its just a dream, hence the convenience of getting up when it gets too much.
He just didnt realize how anxious it made him when he saw the pool of sweat he awoke in.
He picked up his phone, dialled a precalled number and uttered the following words...
"Simon, go ahead...get it done..." and hung up...he lit a cigarette and went to the balcony in his Pj bottoms with nothing on top...
On the other side of the phone was Simon, sitting at the back room of a cabaret downtown, one with very sleazy and shady patrons, mostly helpless people with a few pounds in their name, with nothing to escape but some local beer sold at 10 pounds a bottle and some hashish, 7 to a coin. Simon was in the back, with cheap whiskey and a game of cards with 4 guys who werent the best, but were just downright fun to play with. The room was full of smoke and an upbeat Muddy Waters was playing in the background in a failed attempt to contrast the sha3bi rifraff playing in the main hall. He motioned to his goon standing in the corner to get the car ready...
"Yalla ya Spiko!!!" he shouted "Hizz om teeezak el te2eela dih we khaleek mofeed"
King was halfway through his cigarette, overlooking the front garden to his vast villa, when he noticed the two guards on the gate werent at their station...
"the fucks are probably playing cards again" he thought...
He thought of cutting them some slack at the end, he is a nice guy contrary to what everyone would like to beleive. He looked to the left of the garden, but something caught his eye...a shadow, rolling quite quickly accross the garden.
In less than an instant, the cigarette fell from his mouth and he ran back into the room, to under the bed where he kept an M70 courtesy of the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan. He picked up the cellphone on his short journey to the bed and commanded in a very matter of fact to the head of security...
" We have a Security Breach ya shater...You'd better die protecting this house, because if you survive, I will kill you myself.." and hung up.
After kneeling under the bed to pull out the killing machine, he heard a hammer cocking into firing position. It was close enough to actually feel it between his ears...
There was a gun to his head...
He put his hands up...
"Inta faker nafsak meen ya batal" he said challengingly without even seeing a face to the threat that could take his life in a second...
" أنت عملت فيا كده ليه؟ أنا جيت جنبك؟ هو خلاص البلد بإللي فيها بقي بتاعك؟"
"أيوه حاجة كده، أنا سايبلوكو كل إللي نفسكم فيه تبرطعوا براحتكم، بس نيجي عند حاجتي أنا...ولا..... البلد ديه ليها ريس يابا و انت حاطت طبنجه في قفاه!"
It only took the assailant that tiny little statement to realize he is committing 7amaqa howwa mesh 2adaha... he'd love to say sorry and make it go away, but he knows its too late for that, he is going to have to go through it till the end...
and become the Superstar....
he remembered his knees, how it felt, how he spent more than enough as a helpless handicap...all because this fuck felt like it. It gave him enough fury and rage to go through with it.
He felt like pulling the trigger, but no...he wanted the guy to plead for his life. He wanted to make the King beg...
He was too drowned in his own thoughts to notice Ashraf the head of security barge into the bedroom with a Desert Eagle pointing at him..
Shot Fired...
right in Wannabe CEO's right forearm...his gun landing on the floor, he followed suit yelping like a dog just hit by a Range Rover.
King stood up, faced the wounded dog, thanked the Range Rover that was now idling and waiting for any sudden moves..
King then looked Wannabe in the eye...and asked the dog to say its name...
Robert...Robert Zombetti...
" How are your knees Rob?...I see you are feeling alot better..."
[ Cut Scene...EXT - Night- Korean Car- The Prodigy - Their Law booming out of stereo- Car speeding downtown, screeching tires at every turn , conversation starts as they pass gomhoreyya theatre]
Spikko: So who do we do first?
Simon: shut up and drive, we pick X up first and then go to Sohba Cafe in Helio, thats where El Bob is...
Spikko: is it really going to happen?
Simon: Just do as you are told...and light me up a cigarette
They arrived at Sohba, X went in, to find El Bob, sitting in a corner smoking a shisha...he gesutred for Bob to leave, Bob asked why...X didnt know what to do, he cant tell him they are taking care of him..he's been a stand up man, but even stand up men have to go when the boss says...
X: we're downsizing...
El Bob had a shocked look on his face...just when he was about to enquire...X could read his face...and nodded..
El Bob: make it quick...
X just pulled out a gun and shot him in the face...in the middle of onlookers..
Seed was seated in a nice armchair, the best chair in Little Willy's house..Little Willy was fidgeting with his i-pod trying to select an appropriate track as background music to the conversation he was about to open up with Seed..
" So you happy now that you are made?" asked Willy...you can tell he was suggestive of something, maybe even something big, hes long been forgotten since that thing last year, and he missed the spotlight,
the precursor of doing something very very silly...
" Its okay, Willy...3o2balak" Seed replied, trying to close the subject...
" Kollak nazar yabolsid..."
Seed then took a minute to gather his thoughts, and carefully selected his next words...he decided casual would be the best way to handle it.
" You think i have a hand in it? you actually think i would throw in a good word for you if i actually did?"
That statement shocked willy, and he dropped his i-pod and looked at Seed..who was now holding a revolver and pointing it at Willy..
"YOU FUCK...YOU TRAITOR!!!" Willy yelled
" Im not the traitor Willy, you are.."
A few minutes later, after heartwarming and bone tingling pleads for sparing...Seed picked up his phone and tried to drown out the sound of willy gurgling and trying to breathe through the blood flowing in his windpipe..and said.."Simon..It's done...send someone to clean"
Jessica was laying on the couch with a cup of coffee infront of her, satisfying her childhood addiction of the yellow family with bulging eyes. She totally couldnt get the SMS she recieved last night...
all it said was " Vanilla Sky"
He's just trying to mess with my head she thought...
Halfway through the episode, she got a call from the bank, telling her the transfer she was waiting for from the caymans finally came through. She smiled subtly, as if someone was watching. She decided to get dressed early today.
King's Living Room was full of people, what happened last night was a situation that called for all cars to come in.
It was big, alot of changes would result.
Seed, Simon and Spykko (yes his spelling changes everytime...thats the point) were happy with the efforts they put in last night...King was still in the PJ bottoms, with blood spatter on them and refused to change until this is over. Sonja was working four different cell phones to get everything done, and Giselle Zero, the new girl in town was seated on a couch, cross legged left above right, and her left would occasionally bounce off her right out of boredom.
King: once again Giselle, Ill ask you...
GZ; Damien...I had nothing to do with it...
Simon: We all know your plans woman, dont insult our intelligence..
King motioned to Simon to stop the bullshit...and then said... "okay, thank you Giselle, if we need anything we will call Copper..."
With that said, Giselle courteously nodded to the presence in the room and was escorted outside to her special edition Dodge Ram driven by her female bodyguard Marla...
Simon: you know boss that she is lying through her teeth...
King: Simon, I know...we just cant do it this way...we will sort her out later, any news from the others ?
Seed: well they arent very happy you didnt discuss it first...
X: what about Rob?
King: later too... I want to make sure nothing has happened with our operations first...i want to hear from all the soldiers we have...
X: Giselles Driver, she looks familiar...where did we see her before...?
Simon: momken terakezz wennabi? kefayak basbasa 3ala mozaz...
When the time for Rob came...they were all gathered around a beaten down version of Rob hanging by chains, in the middle of a warehouse in el Darassa...King as usual arrived the latest in a silver Jaguar, driven by Simon...
They all walked in...
They all walked out...
3al Box 3edel....
* Think Three Chicks in Panties..jumping up and down on a bed..hi 5ing one another mid air *
Jessica, Giselle, and Marla back from the dead...all in the clear...
Trust no one...
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