" Do you Expect me to talk?"
"No Mr.Bond i expect you to Die..."
Alright, i will interrupt one of the most classic scenes in Bond History to just let you in on what's going on. James Bond the legendary man with the legendary number is being held captive by an egotistical maniacal Enterpreneur who has an obsession with Gold and Winning....his name is Goldfinger. But i am sure i dont need to tell you how the scene goes, i mean you can just go and watch the movie. but lets forward to the next scene where things get more interesting...and relevant.
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Interior of a well furnished Lockheed Jetstar private Jet registered in the name of one Aulric Goldfinger, flying southwest over Newfoundland at an altitude of 85,000 Feet. Bond wakes up with the headache from hell as a result of a tranquilizer only to find a face in his...sneering, and my oh my what a pretty face it is. His exact words were " I must be Dreaming".
For those of you who have never seen Pussy Galore ( which i am sure alot of you havent) she is quite a sight. Blonde, fair but a little Tan, with a figure that would make a New Guinea Sloth jump up and down in enthusiasm and not like many blondes...shes smart...her eyes ooze smart, wicked, dont mess with me, and in the same time the most sincere "arent you thanking your mother she bought you into this world to meet me" look you can ever get.
All those who have messed with Pussy, regreted it..even 007 himself, shes not just another TNB...she is the Founder and chairman of TNBers of the World Unite!!! , i mean when Bond himself tried to mess with her..
she gave him a piece of her mind
" You can turn off the Charm......I'm immune.."
That is how Bond and Pussy met. As for me... I'm thanking my mother she bought me into this world to meet her. This is how it went:
I know this Gypsy...she tells me my future. i go to her orange caravan every chance i get to know about my future being the curious person i am. The Gypsy, who takes a keen liking to the occult likes learning to fly. would make sense for her to have a pilot for a friend, this is where Pussy Galore comes in. I guess i can say The Gypsy never saw this one coming. frankly neither did i, alot of men find Pussy too intimidating, she is the type of lady the most Ganjo like of men fear..she's their nightmare. Part of her Job Description for the likes of Goldfinger -save what was asked of her in Operation Grandslam- is persuading people to talk, which is a decent word for torture. she Impales men, my initial peception of her was no different.
Theres this weakness men have, its called control. Men love being in control, Pussy doesnt give men that comfort. She is the kind of Lady any woman who suffered at the hands of a man aspires to be like her, if she fails then shed rather have that man report to Pussy...revenge sure is sweet.
You are probably asking right now why would a smart, beautiful, and powerful woman like Pussy would be like that, im sure you would say shes weak on the inside and is just trying to compensate with a rough outer shell. You'd be foolish to think so. It's just that we arent good enough for her. But if Bond is not good enough, then who on earth would? the answer is simpler than that. Sometimes the best solution for the most complex situations is the simplest one. Just be Ordinary...not hot Cars...Bond had that...Not Money...Goldfinger swam in it...Not Attitude...A Cocky Hotshot compensating most certainly tried and had a Zanooba land on his head and a wooden stake up his rectum...you know what it takes ? read on.
The Gypsy invited me over to spend a day with her and her nice bunch of interesting friends..didnt give Pussy that much attention although i knew nothing about her, and i suck at reading people so i cant tell if that sneer is because that is the way she is or because shes got something stuck in her teeth that she is trying to pull out. After lunch she asked us to cater to a little special taste that is probably only appreciated in her country of origin. I refused...She put me on her black list.
Having what used to be part of a tree shivved up my once but not anymore Fat Ass is not exactly something i would want to happen to me. Not only that i would do all what is humanely possible to avoid that. So i try to think of something that would have her cross my name off of that dreaded list. Kane, think of something and fast. I headed off to the nearest Baskin Robbins and fetched two scoops of cookie flavoured ice-cream.
That was all i needed to get my name scratched off...see life can be simple.
Not only did that make my ass thank me for looking out for its welfare, but i also learnt alot about Pussy. She is just like any other lady...sick and tired of the games we men play, the attitude we all give...you see Girls are smart..they know when we men are acting out, Pussy is no different, she just decided to do something about it. She'll take no Bullshit (TNB) and will feed it to anyone who tries to give it and takes care of her kind. Pussy may be different from alot of other TNBs...she takes the time to understand the people she is dealing with, no matter how complex, and pulls it off effortlessly...she is a scary judge of character, and definetly once she realizes you are a person worth knowing..shes just herself. actually ill take that back, shes herself all the time, the problem is that her being herdelf scares alot of people, people fear seeing someone so content with what they have become, it reminds them of their insecurities and how they cant have what Pussy does. its envy...nothing more, envy and selective blindness. Deep down inside Pussy there is this little girl just like any other little girl who enjoys life, looks out for her friends, is in love with fun, wants to make the best of her life, and uses her assets and God given gifts wisely. She is smart enough to invest in what is worth the time and effort such as Body, Mind, Soul, Family, Future, Friends, and acquaintances. Shes got a great smile, great spirit and an unquenchable zest for life, not to mention gives you the great advice you need during times of need.
Shes also got Guts...i mean shes a pilot, she flies planes, jumps from planes with no parachutes, tots guns, tosses men with guns, tosses men who give her attitude, wrestles gators, she also once tackled Dan Marino in his prime..i mean physically tackled him at a Sunday Barbeque although he might be 5 times her size...drove into a factory on fire , swam the english channel , was stranded in the amazon and found her way out, gave a speech about mid air ballistics to professors and physicists although shes just a high school dropout and joined her Crop Dusting Dad in Arizona, yet in the same time, she can tell the difference between Tiffany Diamonds sold at their 5th avenue store from the ones sold in their South Coast Plaza Mall Store in Costa Mesa , She speaks seven languages, takes the time to do manicures and pedicures, is invited to all the Haute Couture events, is out and happening wherever its happening, is in every issue of Paris Flash, was Friends with Princess Diana, is Friends with Ahmed Fouad Negm, had Dinner with the Dalai Lama, and did Coffee with Kofi Anan...Busted James Bond (obviously) Kaught Krooks with Kane, Danced with Darren Hanson and Argued with Augustine..
that needs Guts...
Knerves of Steel
nirvana posted this on facebook...couldn't make head or tail of it.
Well, you can ask her im sure she can explain it
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