Probably one of the most common fantasies of just about everyone i know is meeting a beautiful stranger in the middle of a crowd of seemingly interesting people, where such a Beautiful Stranger just makes them all appear as banal. Something that kind of goes like this:
" I was there...in the middle of the crowd, a crowd of people all of which were at their very best. A crowd so accomplished that i would only dream of being placed with. Am i truly one of them? but of course i am. for this is quite an exclusive gathering and we are but a select few that have been chosen among many, makes me feel special doesn't it ? to my right there's Mr. Billionaire , with the whole wall street look going on for him,he looks like a Stockbroker....to my left there's Miss Executive, in a nice black dress...looks like she's in Advertising. hmm...why am i not that impressed anymore? i wonder what my significant other is doing right now. That thought just enters my head while i attempt to dodge Mr. Fat Sleazeball who has had one drink too many and will be making a fool of himself pretty soon, wonder what does his wife think of all of that...oh well....looks like this night wont be as great as i expected....
Will i meet someone tonight i wonder? well what the hell am i thinking i have a significant other i probably will never find someone like anywhere else? but are we right for each other?
i'll stop obsessing now...ill think it over tomorrow. Okay, Mr. Billionaire is hitting on Blonde who is desperately trying to look like Jessica Simpson...he must be drunk...Miss Executive is being swooped away off her feet by that hunk who probably has a brain the size of a walnut, but people give him the benefit of the doubt due to his lovely jawline and 5 o'clock shadow. Shes had too many mojitos to be in control too.
Everyone's drunk..
i'll humor myself and observe the comedy going on at the dancefloor...
right there between Mr.Producer who is dancing like a frog in a blender and Mr.Politician who is shifting his wieght from buttcheek to buttcheek while balancing a drink in his hand and a menacing look on his face i see a Stranger that attracts my undivided attention....
everyone else disappears for an instant that seems to last forever...
The Stranger is Sober....
the only other sober person among a miniature world of drunks, blinded by their stupor...
with a reprise in my head of the chorus of a song by Chad Kroger and Carlos Santana i actually feel hope...
this might not be a bad night after all..
"well hello there..."
"tempted to say something cheesy to try to convey how much id love to keep this going...but ill take a risk and go by something boring like i need some fresh air...care to join?"
"uh huh - & a smile"
We then take a long walk, forgetting about the drunken world behind us, with its loud music and designer attire...all the glamor and excitement behind us...for a new kind of excitement awaits..an excitement that might last way longer than one night...that needs no Gucci nor Prada to be glamorous that needs no Vodka to be brave, that needs no Cocaine to say the right things , no business card for me to remember it the morning after and no phone number for me to keep in touch with again. One would expect we talk about what we do when we aren't surrounded by drunks, show our pros and try to hide our cons...but actually..we conversed as if it were for the millionth time...small talk at its most trivial, humorous and definitely at its most enjoyable. The Hours were chitchatted away like wind gently blowing leaves off a tree.
The Parting was spontaneous...as if we are bound to meet again...no assurances, no guarantees but there was this inherent feeling of certainty this wont be the last time.
And i drive off...back into my world that awaits me....saying
Aaay yo ayyy yo ayyy yo ayyy and the voices ring like the Angels sing
Makes your heart grow wings and fly...dont it ?
" The Morning After i talk about the encounter with my friend who is skeptical about the whole thing and taunts me for my foolish behaviour that i shouldnt dwell on it...it just ends right there and there is nothing special about it... that stranger might be committed, might be not good for me...might clip my wings...ill lose my freedom...its just not time...the person i am with is safer...better for me... that stranger might be an assassin, a rapist, a serial killer, a freak, a player, or even worse...married.
I decide to take a second opinion...i seek the advise of the words of wisdom of my mentor..this is what my mentor tells me:
" As unwise as this might sound...such matters need not be decided in committees and closed chambers..no five year plans...and no votings..such matters need strong foundations you may only find in your gut...maybe your heart...we only live once..the lucky of us..maybe twice...that meet was in the utmost certainty an experience on its own... should you see yourself as a lucky person, one of the people who live twice...then search inside yourself for motivation...should you find it..then chase after this Dangerous Stranger...the stranger will not harm you nor give you grief nor time of day..."
What about the Risks O wise one?
"The Risks are well balanced with the rewards...Seek the Stranger...should the searching inside yourself prove fruitful..then you have nothing to fear...if such stranger is as you speak..then no change or expectation will be imposed on you...free will Grasshopper...free will.. that is what strangers advocate..."
What of the Dangers and Sacrifices?
" you are not asked to sacrifice...you will feel what is right later on...and such sacrifice will be of your own initiative...and hence not appear as a sacrifice...but what you want to do...as for the dangers...we are beings who thrive on danger...for danger brings drama...drama sells...look at Oprah...go Young Grasshopper...love...maybe even fall...play in the playgrounds of life... Dance with your Stranger...pull the devil out from inside of you...the stranger is a gift from the heavens...its so easy to tell..its a blessing from above that could save you from hell..."
Aay yo aay yo ayy yo ayy...and we daaaaanced on into the niiiiiiight!!!!
1 comment:
is this about me??
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