"The world still is the same...you'll never change it...as sure as the stars shine abovvve...
"well you're nobody till some-body lovvves you...so find yourself somebody to lovvvve..."
Dean Martin was gracefully interrupted by the revving of the sheer powerful 420 horsepower engine of the Camaro SS driving on the Road...
"Here i am...on the road again...there i am upon the stage...there i go...im playing the star again here i go...turn the page" - Bob Seger "Turn the Page" -
"Im on the road again..i aint got a woman just the car my special friend...im on the road again
"for i aint going down that old lonesome road....all by myself"
- Canned Heat "On the Road Again"-
- Alice Cooper "Hey Stupid"-
Its certainly good to be home...but what am i going home to ? a warm bed and a nice home cooked meal, a shower, clothes, maybe a good book and some milk ( yes i still drink Milk.. for alcohol doesnt really solve anything but then again, neither does milk). I'm going home to an email account, fresh newspapers...a friendly porter, smiling neighbours who always wonder what do i do with my life, my couch, my Chair, i dont even have pets to give me a warm welcome home.
It's your choice...It's your life...you made it this way...why are you complaining...?
I'm not really..i really am enjoying it this way.. its relaxing, the moment you walk into the door...you are shut off from life...silence...only accompanied by your thoughts...
King of Your Castle...
not a long way to go...i should take a note to download king of my castle when i get home... until then lets see whats on the iPod
"Like the circles that you find...in the windmills of your mind"
-Sting "Windmills of your Mind"-
My mind has alot of windmills right now...I'm thinking way too much for my own good...
"Relax...Take it Eaaaaaaaasy" -Mika-
Phone rings...
"its Me" says Mr. Adham..."we're on..."
I dreaded those two words like you dread walking into that test you know you arent prepared for...like getting out of the car after a fender bender knowing it was your fault and you have to report to the driver infront of you and are at his mercy...like that call you have to make to a loved one telling them someone they care about has died.
Just when i thought i have room to breathe...the walls cave in again...
Kane..chill you are used to it....yes this one is big...but come on...its just business as usual.
"Do you still wanna meet where the killers eat, held accountable for anything you repeat?"
- Ice Cube "The Pecking Order" -
"Then Cowboy change your ways or with us you will ride...tryin to catch the devils heard...across these endless skies..."
- Willie Nelson Feat. Johnny Cash "Riders in the Sky"-
-Smashing Pumpkins "For God & Country"-
"Staring at the world through my rearview mirror...just looking back at the world...from another level..you know what i mean? staring....
Multiple gunshots on the block, first off niggas is callin the cops, people shot...nobody stops, i wonder when the world stopped caring last night..you get shot while the whole block staring.."
- 2PAC "Staring at the world through my rearview"-
Yes the World is a nasty place, and imposes on you to do things you dont want to do, or never really realized you had it in you to do. But what are you going to do about it, you sure as hell wont cry about it now? how will that help...plus who are you going to cry to ? i thought you were alone...you didnt have all those lovely people as friends who are truly and utterly grateful for your existence in their life, and you dont want to get attached to them because once the heat comes you will have only 30 seconds flat to ditch them and walk away...so just get it over with...dont be a PPDQ and just get it done...Citibank Style...or was that Nike...?
Yes, something else as drastic even more, maybe less is going to pop up afterwards...because that is what happens with you...and i got news for you man...it will never end...thats life for you so put up or shut up ( No Fear T-shirt).
VROOOOOOOOM! ...that engine is just sheer Mazikkkkkka!!!! especially with the riffs of La Grange playing in the background....
Just Drive off..into the night...thats what you are good at...
why cant you be normal....find a girl and settle down..im sure someone out there is good enough for you
"I must have tried a thousand times...sometimes i think shes just in my imagination"
-Rolling Stones "Anybody seen my Baby?"
You dont find her because you dont want to...it scares you if you do...
Admit it...Women scare you...
You Fear women..
"Blood on her skin, Dripping with Sin...Do it again..."
- Rob Zombie " Living Dead Girl"-
"I say, Hell is Love, You say, You must Suffer, She's a , Mother fucker..
-The Ballad of Resurrection Joe & Rosa Whore-
Leave this self freudian analysis to someone qualified you twit...i wont admit to anything...im too tired to think, too tired to analyze...no time to breathe, get on...drive faster...you will be late...oh well...click next on that Damn iPod:
Love is Strong
Rolling Stones
40 Licks (CD2)
Love is strong, and you're so sweet
You make me hard you, make me weak
Love is strong, and you're so sweet
And some day, babe we got to meet
A glimpse of you, was all it took
A stranger's glance, it got me hooked
And I followed you, across the stars
I looked for you in seedy bars
What are you scared of, baby ,
It's more than just a dream
I need some time
We make a beautiful team,
Beautiful team ,
Beautiful team ,
I wait for you, until the dawn,
My mind is ripped, my heart is torn
And love is strong ,and your so sweet
Your love is bitter, it's taken neat.
Why do i get the feeling the Shuffler on my iPod is trying to tell me something?
*sigh*oh well....
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